Consumer product contribute to TBIs in children

When one thinks of a head trauma, individuals in New Jersey and elsewhere likely think of a car accident or contact sport as the cause. While these are major contributors for traumatic brain injuries, they are not the only cause that is of concern. In fact, consumers, specifically those under the age of 19, suffer TBIs at a concerning rate.

This study found that 72% of all head trauma cases were attributed to consumer products. It was emphasized that structural designs, such as uneven flooring, is a major contributor to falls. Even more so, falls are the leading cause of TBIs in children. With regards to infants, around 25% of head injuries were caused by falling from their bed. Floors, causing 14%, followed this.

Other notable causes for TBIs in children were bicycles and soccer. It should be noted that in all age groups, floors remained a major contributor of head injuries. No matter the cause, it is important to understand what can be done following a head injury. While accidents do happen, some are caused by the negligence of others. If a defect is to blame, especially when it comes to a fall, it may be possible to seek legal recourses.

A serious injury, like a traumatic brain injury, can significantly impact the life of the victim as well as the loved ones that are caring for them during his or her recovery. Thus, it is important for victims of a TBI to fully understand their situation. This means exploring the cause and possible liable parties. This can help with one’s pursuit of a personal injury action. This legal suit not only seeks to hold a negligent party responsible for the harms suffered but also assists in the recovery of compensation to help address losses and damages suffered.