Two New Jersey women die in dump truck accident

Dump trucks and other commercial vehicles are a common sight on highways. People expect that the operators of commercial trucks will take extra care to drive safely. Unfortunately, this is not always the case and devastating commercial vehicle accidents occur far too often.

For example, two women from New Jersey lost their lives when a dump truck overturned onto their vehicle in a neighboring state. The women, ages 50 and 59, died at the scene of the crash. In addition to these fatalities, two other individuals suffered critical injuries, and one other individual suffered moderate injuries. The operator of the dump truck did not suffer any injuries in the accident. The incident is being investigated by police, who are urging any witnesses to contact investigators.

Dump trucks and other commercial vehicles take skill to handle. They weigh tens of thousands of pounds more than a standard automobile, making any collisions involving one especially catastrophic. If the operator of a commercial vehicle fails to uphold their duty of care to operate their vehicle in a manner that is safe under the circumstances and causes a crash that injures or kills another individual, the victim or his or her loved ones may want to explore their legal options.

Pursuing compensation after a commercial vehicle accident is not always easy. While those injured in crashes involving commercial vehicles may think it is an open-and-shut case, the matter can become very complex very quickly. You can anticipate that the operator of the commercial vehicle or their employer will make every effort to avoid liability. Therefore, it is important for victims of commercial vehicle accidents to seek the professional guidance they need to present a strong case that serves their best interests.